…Rarely have I seen any musician able to deliver text and poetry- all whilst playing insanely difficult music - with such natural dramatic sensibility.
…Concert pianists who dazzle almost from the moment they sit down at the keyboard are not as rare as you might think. Kirkendoll (the other concerto performer Saturday) adds to that electrifying quality superior intelligence, good taste, a deep sound and variety of attack -- all of which John Corigliano's Piano Concerto insists on.…
…Based on Michael Kirkendoll's performances so far during Discovery Week, I'm betting he would confer much honor on the APA if he won a fellowship. He seems the very model of a 21st-century pianist.…
…With the Indianapolis orchestra, Kirkendoll gave a commanding performance of the Concerto for Piano and Strings from 1979.…
…Kirkendoll’s performances of the latter two were tours de force of skill, comprehension, and energetic, intelligent theatricality.…